Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Pengobatan Kutil

Asam salisilat Over- the-counter adalah obat yang biasa digunakan untuk mengobati kutil Anda . Asam salisilat secara perlahan dan tanpa rasa sakit diserap ke dalam mengupas kulit yang menyebabkan sel-sel kulit yang mengandung virus kutil . Ini adalah cara yang sangat baik untuk menyingkirkan kutil , tetapi tidak boleh digunakan untuk mengobati kutil di wajah , leher dan  Cara Menghilangkan Dan Mengobati Kutil  . Bahkan jika perawatan lain sedang digunakan ( misalnya dalam pembekuan kantor atau jus kumbang ) , menggunakan asam salisilat di rumah kecepatan penghancuran kutil dengan penipisan dan setiap kalus yang telah terbentuk pada atau sekitar itu .

Persiapan asam salisilat dapat ditemukan di sebagian besar toko obat dan beberapa supermarket . Ada biasanya dua jenis produk : bantalan perekat yang diobati dengan asam salisilat atau botol asam salisilat pekat .

Produk yang tersedia biasanya meliputi :

17 % Salicylic Acid Topical Liquid ( Compound W atau Dr Scholl * )

40 % Salicylic Acid Topical Liquid ( Plantar wart Remover * )

40 % pads Asam salisilat ( Pads Jagung Removal * )

* Setiap produk merek toko dengan direkomendasikan persen asam salisilat akan bekerja

Salicylic Acid wart :
Turun tipis kutil dengan batu apung atau kikir kuku . Berkas daerah sampai semua , kulit mati putih dihapus tanpa menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman atau nyeri . Pastikan untuk tidak berbagi batu apung atau kikir kuku karena virus kutil dapat ditularkan pada ini . Kadang-kadang merendam kutil dalam air hangat membantu untuk melunakkan kutil . Anda bisa merendam kutil selama 5-10 menit sebelum mengajukan ke bawah .

Terapkan solusi atau pad ( s ) untuk kutil ( s ) . Anda dapat memotong bantalan untuk ukuran jika diperlukan .

Tutup dengan Band -aid atau lakban . Jika kutil pada daerah yang kurang dapat dikerjakan , seperti jari , pita listrik yang lebih kecil dapat bekerja lebih baik karena membentang .

Ulangi proses setiap malam sebelum tidur sampai janji berikutnya .

Catatan :

Hentikan cepat jika kutil jatuh , pembengkakan / drainase berkembang di situs , atau kawasan menjadi terlalu jengkel atau menyakitkan . Silahkan hubungi klinik dermatologi jika gejala ini bertahan .

Pengobatan kutil ini harus ditoleransi dengan baik dan mudah Bagaimana menyingkirkan kutil pada tangan dan jari ? digunakan di rumah . Beberapa ketidaknyamanan ringan , terbakar , kulit kemerahan dan pengelupasan diharapkan saat menggunakan pengobatan kutil . Ini berarti bahwa kutil akan pergi .

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Cobalah Beberapa Home remedies Perawatan Untuk Ketombe

Jangan melemparkan keluar semua setelan gelap dulu . Ada cara yang lebih baik untuk berurusan dengan ketombe . Sebagai soal fakta , Anda mungkin dapat hanya untuk mencuci itu pergi dengan pengobatan rumah kami .

Sebuah penelitian oleh ilmuwan telah menemukan bahwa ketombe terjadi karena infeksi oleh bakteri dan jamur Malassezia dan itu Pengobatan Rumahan Cara Menghilangkan Ketombe adalah situasi yang menular . Hal ini menyebabkan gatal-gatal , bergabung dengan penciptaan ekstrim sisik pada kulit . Ketombe adalah masalah yang paling luas di antara penduduk yang mempengaruhi anak-anak , remaja dan bahkan orang dewasa .
Home remedies untuk ketombe adalah cara alami untuk menyingkirkan ketombe . Seseorang penetrasi untuk pengobatan ketombe dapat menyembuhkan ketombe dari rumah dengan solusi alami yang tersedia . Ketombe juga menyebabkan rambut rontok , jerawat , jerawat dan prematur beruban rambut. Gunakan tips-tips perawatan rambut untuk menyingkirkan ketombe .
Disebutkan di bawah ini adalah beberapa solusi Rumah untuk ketombe :
Minyak Zaitun dan Madu untuk Pengobatan Ketombe :
Jus lemon dan minyak kelapa : Ambil bagian 1/4th madu dan aduk t menjadi 3/4th bagian minyak zaitun . Oleskan pada kulit kepala dan rambut dan membungkus handuk panas di atasnya dan mencuci setelah beberapa waktu dengan sampo ringan .
Jus lemon dan minyak kelapa :
Blend 1 sendok teh air jeruk nipis dengan 5 sendok teh minyak kelapa dan membasuh setelah 20 sampai 30 menit . Air jeruk nipis adalah obat alami untuk mengobati ketombe seperti membersihkan diri serpih dari rambut Anda tanpa efek samping .
Cuka untuk menyingkirkan ketombe :
Cuka kaya kalium dan dengan demikian sangat efektif dalam mengobati ketombe . Cuka sari apel pijat pada kulit kepala Anda selama 5 sampai 7 menit . Anda juga dapat menggunakan cuka dengan menempatkan 1 sdm ke dalam cangkir air yang terakhir saat mencuci rambut Anda .
Warm Oil Massage pada Scalp :
Salah satu obat terbaik untuk menyingkirkan ketombe adalah untuk memijat kepala Anda dengan minyak hangat Lukas . Lukas minyak almond hangat , minyak kelapa , atau minyak almond banyak digunakan untuk mencegah ketombe . Biarkan di kulit kepala Anda selama malam dan membasuh di pagi hari .
Terapkan Telur untuk menghapus ketombe : apple - dan - lemon untuk perawatan rambut
Kocok 2 butir telur dan menerapkannya pada kulit kepala dan mencuci itu pergi setelah satu jam . Telur bertindak sebagai conditioner untuk rambut kering meninggalkan bersinar sehat di dalamnya .
Apel untuk menyingkirkan ketombe :
Terapkan 2 sdm jus apel dicampur dengan 2 sdm air dan biarkan kulit kepala Anda selama 5 sampai 10 menit dan kemudian mencuci rambut Anda .
Tea Tree Oil untuk mengobati ketombe :
Tambahkan beberapa tetes minyak pohon teh di sampo biasa saat mencuci rambut Anda .
Ular labu adalah obat rumah untuk mengobati ketombe :
Gosok jus labu ular pada kulit kepala Anda untuk mengobati ketombe .
Rosemary untuk menyingkirkan ketombe :
Campur cuka dalam minyak daun rosemary dan seluruh kulit kepala Anda .
Indian Home remedies untuk mengobati ketombe :
Neem Daun : Daun Neem untuk ketombe
Neem memiliki properti antiseptik , yang membantu dalam menyingkirkan ketombe Terapkan daun neem paste pada kulit kepala Anda . Pasta ini juga membantu dalam mengobati kutu bersama dengan ketombe .
Besan dan Curd untuk menyembuhkan ketombe secara alami di rumah :
Campur 4 sdm . dari besan dalam mangkuk dadih untuk membuat pasta kental . Oleskan pada kulit kepala dan biarkan selama satu jam . Anda dapat menambahkan beberapa tetes lemon untuk menyingkirkan minyak dadih .
Reetha adalah pengobatan ketombe alami : Reetha - Sabun - kacang
Buat pasta dari Reetha dan oleskan pada rambut Anda selama 2 jam dan kemudian bilas .
Fenugreek ( Methi ) Bibit dan minyak untuk menyingkirkan ketombe :
Rendam 2 sdm Fenugreek Seeds dalam air semalam . Kemudian membuat pasta dari itu dan menerapkannya pada kulit kepala Anda selama setengah jam dan kemudian bilas lagi dengan sampo ringan .
Daun bit dan Henna :
Menghancurkan daun bit dan henna . Oleskan campuran ini pada kulit kepala Anda untuk menghilangkan ketombe .
Lemon dan bawang putih untuk menyembuhkan ketombe :
Campurkan 1 sdm jus lemon dan 2 sdm bawang putih selama 20-30 menit pre sampo .
Yogurt dan lada hitam sebagai pengobatan anti ketombe :
Campur 2 sendok teh lada hitam dalam mangkuk dan menerapkan dengan benar pada kulit kepala yang terkena . Biarkan selama satu jam dan
Home remedies untuk mengobati ketombe dan gatal kulit kepala
Baking Soda untuk menghilangkan serpihan ketombe :
Hal ini mengejutkan tapi baking soda sangat efektif dalam mengobati ketombe . Tambahkan satu sendok teh . baking soda untuk beberapa sampo dan membersihkan rambut Anda dengan itu . Ini akan membersihkan serpihan tersembunyi bahkan dalam helai rambut Anda .
Aspirin sebagai obat rumah untuk mengobati ketombe :
Hancurkan 2 aspirin dan larutkan dengan sampo Anda untuk mencuci rambut Anda .
Bawang adalah solusi anti ketombe alami : Bawang adalah solusi anti ketombe alami :
Menerapkan jus bawang pada kulit kepala selama setengah jam sebelum mencuci rambut Anda dengan sampo dapat sangat efektif untuk mengobati ketombe .
Aloe Vera Gel :
Terapkan segar Aloe Vera gel 10 menit sebelum Anda keramas kepala Anda .
Ketombe dapat dicegah dengan mencuci rambut secara teratur  Situs Online dan tidak berlebihan menggunakan produk styling rambut. Luangkan waktu di bawah sinar matahari karena mencegah perkembangan jamur .

Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Mitos dan kebenaran tentang pori-pori Anda

Bagi banyak dari kita , lubang-lubang kecil di wajah kami dikenal sebagai pori-pori yang sedikit lebih dari gangguan yang tak sedap dipandang . Tapi selain dari blemishing  Mengecilkan Pori-Pori Wajah Secara Alami  berkulit kami , mereka melayani tujuan : pori rumah folikel rambut dan kelenjar sebaceous dan berfungsi sebagai gateway untuk sebum , minyak alami kulit kita . " Sebuah pori hanya rute atau saluran untuk hal-hal ini untuk mencapai permukaan kulit , " kata Dr Kucy Pon , konsultasi dokter kulit untuk Olay .

Sedangkan ukuran pori-pori kita sangat ditentukan oleh genetika , beberapa pori-pori cenderung menjadi lebih besar daripada yang lain karena ukuran kelenjar folikel rambut dan minyak . Kebersihan yang buruk dan kotoran yang dihasilkan , minyak dan sel kulit mati yang sering membangun juga bisa membuat pori-pori terlihat lebih besar . " Pori-pori umumnya tersumbat dengan sebum dan sel kulit mati , yang secara alami mengelupaskan dari sisi pori-pori , " kata Dr Lydia Evans , konsultan dermatolog berbasis di New York untuk L' Oreal . " Jika pori menjadi tersumbat , yang sementara akan meregangkan pori-pori dan membuatnya lebih jelas . "

Berlebihan pori-pori tersumbat dapat menyebabkan kondisi kulit lain yang tidak diinginkan : komedo dan whiteheads . Dan jika pori-pori Anda tampaknya akan semakin besar seiring bertambahnya usia , Anda tidak membayangkan hal: penuaan dan kerusakan akibat sinar matahari juga berkontribusi terhadap ukuran pori . " Seperti kulit di sekitar pori-pori kehilangan ketegasan ketika kita usia , pori-pori bisa terlihat lebih besar karena kurangnya dukungan dari jaringan sekitarnya , " kata Evans .

Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang pori-pori Anda ? Kami membersihkan ( ahem ) tiga mitos dan kebenaran tentang pori-pori .

Mitos : pori terbuka dan tertutup
Yang benar : Meskipun apa ibumu bilang , Anda tidak dapat uap pori-pori Anda terbuka. " Pori-pori tidak memiliki otot-otot di sekitar pembukaan mereka untuk memungkinkan mereka untuk membuka dan menutup , " kata Pon . Namun, mengukus kulit dapat membantu melonggarkan puing-puing yang mendasari , membuat komedo lebih mudah untuk mengekstrak . Tapi sebaiknya meninggalkan ekstraksi untuk para profesional , kata Evans .

Mitos : The " hitam " dalam komedo adalah kotoran
Bagaimana serum dapat memperbaiki kulit Anda
Bagaimana pengelupasan kulit membantu kulit Anda
Staf diuji : The scrub terbaik
Yang benar : Mereka titik-titik kecil yang kita lihat di hidung dan pipi kita sebenarnya adalah hasil dari oksidasi , reaksi kimia yang melibatkan oksigen dan sebum , kata Evans . Mencegah komedo baru dari pembentukan dengan masuk ke rejimen pengelupasan secara teratur . Gunakan pembersih exfoliating seperti Olay Aksi ganda Pembersih + Pore Scrub , $ 12,50 ( yang dapat digunakan sehari-hari ) , dan mencari bahan-bahan seperti asam salisilat , yang membantu mengelupaskan sel-sel kulit mati . Cobalah Clinique Pore Minimizer Thermal Active Skin Refiner , $ 36 , pengobatan dua kali seminggu yang berisi asam salisilat dan manik-manik pengelupasan untuk mengungkapkan kulit lebih segar .

Mitos : Anda dapat menyingkirkan pori-pori
Yang benar : Anda tidak dapat membuang mereka sepenuhnya , tetapi dengan perawatan kulit yang tepat , Anda dapat membuat pori-pori kurang terlihat. " Anda dapat membuat pori-pori terlihat lebih kecil dengan menghilangkan kelebihan sebum , puing-puing dan makeup dari pori-pori , " kata Pon . Pastikan untuk membersihkan dua kali sehari dan setelah latihan yang intens atau setiap kali Anda mendapatkan berkeringat atau kotor , kata Evans . Juga mencari Mattifying atau menyerap minyak pelembab , seperti L' Oréal Paris Skin Genesis Meminimalkan Pori Kulit Re - halus , $ 27, atau Dermalogica itu Lotion Oil Control , $ 56 , untuk menjaga bersinar di teluk . " Minyak duduk di mulut pori dapat memantulkan cahaya dan dengan demikian membuat pori-pori terlihat lebih besar , " kata Evans . Dan menghindari godaan untuk over- membersihkan . " Sangat sering mencuci dapat terangsang kulit dan dapat membuat pori-pori Anda terlihat lebih menonjol , " kata Evans .

Jangan lewatkan! Sign up newsletter mingguan gratis http://www.situsonline.web.id/2013/10/7-cara-mengecilkan-pori-pori-wajah.html kami dan mendapatkan resep bergizi , kiat-kiat penurunan berat badan yang sehat , cara mudah untuk tetap bugar dan semua berita kesehatan yang Anda butuhkan , dikirim langsung ke inbox Anda .

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

6 Tweaks When an Application Won’t Work on Windows 8

Windows 8 is far better than previous versions of Windows in term of ease of application installation but still few applications will not work. There is no guarantee that all applications are compatible. You can use various tricks to run a stubborn application. Before you try, other methods go for full antivirus scan and fix registry errors with registry cleaner for Windows 8.


Turn of user account control
In Windows 8, you will hardly experience a problem related to user account control but in Windows 7 it was common. Still few applications have this problem, so you can try disabling UAC. You can ready post on internet of people who have this similar experience and resolve this by disabling UAC.

Install .Net Framework 3.5
When you update Windows to Windows 8, dot net framework of version 4.5 will automatically installed. Few old applications will require previous versions of dot net framework. If you experience a problem regarding dot net framework, go to control panel, click on Programs, and choose options to turn Windows features on/off. No Windows will show you a list of various components that you can turn on/off. Above all, one item is .Net Framework 3.5, install this component and it will resolve your issue.

Check for application patches
Sometimes everything work fine and all you need is an application patch. Just go to manufacturer of that product and ask them if they have Windows 8 patch available. It is simple solution; all you have to do is just ask them.

Upgrade to latest version
You have updated to Windows 8 and found that few applications stop work. Problem occurs because you have not updated those applications. You should go and check updates of that application for Windows 8 and it will resolve problem.

Upgrade Hardware
Many of the problems occur because of hardware. Windows 8 requires latest drivers for hardware. You may see message that Windows 8 does not support OpenGL. This error is because of device driver. Once you will update driver it will be gone. Some of the AMD catalyst required latest drivers.

Use Windows Troubleshoot
Windows has a utility called ‘Program Compatibility Troubleshoot’ that at times automatically resolve problems. You can run this by clicking on applications that cause problematic and choose troubleshoot compatibility command from menu.

Windows is sensibly design and does not have many errors. These simple solutions can help you in solving issue.

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Optimizing Windows 7 for Efficient Performance

You are observing for long time that your system is no longer fast as in past. The time is not to being worry, sitting lame, or thinking about re installation of Windows. You just have to track some optimizing landfills. Surely, system seven will work meteoric again and save your time. All you need is to learn how to speed up Windows 7 with its optimizing options.

Windows 7 is with the optimizing options. You can make changes according to your preferences to avoid slackening and optimizing Win 7. With the following smashes, you can enjoy working on your system:
Delete Unused Programs:
Some of the programs are built in with demo versions. If you feel like you certainly do not need such programs, delete them. Keeping such, software may slow down system efficiency. Uninstallation of unused programs will save system memory usage, disk space, and increase speed.

Limit Programs at Startup:
You would have observed when Windows starts, many programs run and are launched automatically. Manufacturers have designed these programs as to launch by default with startup of Windows. Point these programs not to start in startup.
Go in the notification area, click on show hidden icons, and select the programs you want to keep.
Auto runs for Windows, is a program for advanced users, assists you to clear the checkbox near to program names you want to stop from startup. This will also help you.

Defragment System Hard Disk:
Fragmentation puts more burdens on your system to work more and results in slow down system. Defragmentation program will align and allocate all disk data in same place. Thus, your system works well than before.
Turn off Visual Effects:
By disabling some visual effects, you can improve system performance. There are many visual effects in Windows 7. Moreover, you can adjust visual effects for system to work flawlessly.
You always have choice either to perform faster PC or look attractive. Therefore, for speedy choice you need to follow the procedure:
1.       Click Start Menu
2.       Type Performance Information and Tools in search bar
3.       Select Performance Information and Tools from results
4.       Click Adjust Visual Effects on left side
5.       Click Visual Effects
6.       Click Adjust for Best Performance
7.       Click OK to confirm

Scan System:
Scan system with a security program because, viruses and spyware causes slow down system and affect in many ways. Most of the times destroy system files and create distortion in registry. A reliable security program will keep safe system files by running it frequently. With the help of safe and free registry cleaner for Windows 7, you can clean registry. This will speed system-working capability. If the registry is corrupted, ultimately performance will be affected.

The only way is not to reboot system or uninstallations of necessary programs. Make sure, only important programs are running at same time. Because too many opened programs at same time causes slower system performance. Make a clear check of the programs you work on.

Deal with Windows 7 Slowdown and Program Compatible Issues

Although, Windows 7 operating system is better than its predecessors but it does not make it perfect. Some Windows 7 bugs must be annoying and do not let us to concentrate on whatever we are doing. All we need is to quick fix them. There are various problems that may arise in Windows 7 but in this article, we have pooled most common issues and their solution such as compatibility with other programs and slow performance. In this article, you will get to know how to fix these annoyances.

Windows Slow down
Windows 7 have more graphical features that makes it cool but these effects draw heavy load on graphic card and memory, which ultimately decreases performance of PC. If you experience system slow down, there are good chances that turning off effects, system may gain some speed. To do this, follow this:
1.       Go to Startmenu
2.       Type performance
3.       Select adjust the appearance and performance of windows
4.       Got to visual effects Tab
5.       Select Adjust for best performance

Windows aero out of work
First, make sure that your graphic card is up to date. If your computer came with Windows 7, it must not be an issue. It can be disabled, all you need is to learn that how to edit registry. Beware that it can permanently damage your registry. To avoid this, download free registry cleaner windows 7 and backup registry.
Go to Start menu and type regedit. Launch registry and browse to KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM
Right click on it then modify, set value of entry EnableAeroPeek to 1 from 0
I hope that this will help. Moreover, you may experience Windows compatible issue. To deal with this, follow the procedure.

Compatibility with Older programs
Before you upgrade to Windows 7, it is recommended to have a recheck either programs are compatible. You can do it by Windows 7 upgrade advisor checks but it is limited to most common programs only. If you have already upgraded and you find that one of your programs is not compatible, there is a solution to it.
1.       Right click on installation file
2.       Select properties
3.       Select Compatibilitytab
4.       Check Run this program in compatibility mode for (choose one)
5.       Choose version of window which you know that program were working
Moreover, you can change setting for programs, depends on the issue. I am sure this article will help you in determining issues and their solution.

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

How do I Optimize PC for Gaming?

It is really teasing that gaming hardware quickly outdated. Every day you notice that these hardware needs replacement. Moreover, there are chances that your computer is not running on optimum performance level. Because of so many reasons its working under its capabilities. To overcome these issues, below are some points that you can follow to boost up pc speed.


Hard drive space
Make sure that your hard drive has enough free space; it should not be more than 90% full. Most of people leave deleted files in recycle bin, which is burden on hard drive. Keep in mind to have some free space and empty recycle bin.

Anti-virus and Registry
Make sure that you have updated anti-virus. Otherwise, virus will capture your computer and make it slow down. Moreover, check errors in registry and fix them, if you don’t have much information on this, read ‘how to clean registry’. In this way, computer will not fall much down.

Continuous deleting and copying data on your hard drive become cause of fragmentation, which slows down your pc. Therefore, every PC needs timely defragmentation to show full performance. You can schedule defragmentation so you never forget. You can find defragmentation option, go to Start menu, Click Accessories> System Toolsand click Defragment.

Too many Applications
Most of times it goes unseen what applications are useful and we leave them stick to hard disk. Uninstall applications that are of no use to you. To do this, go to Start; click Control Panel, and Uninstall programs.

This technique can be employed to get more from hard drive than their actual capacity. It can be dangerous to play with hardware’s but if you are enthusiastic enough for gaming, you can try it at your own. It over clock hardware than their actual clock set by manufacturer. You can read more on web ‘how to over clock’

Graphic cards drivers
Graphic card is most important part for playing games. It perform heavy task of handling system graphics. You always need an appropriate graphic card to keep your games running. Moreover, it is important that graphic card driver is up to date. Go to manufacturer’s website, choose your graphic card model, and download latest driver.

Efficient use of Processor
On a single computer, you can do multiple task but modern games are quite complicated and need a lot of processing power of computer. Running other applications along games are not suggested but an application like notepad is not bad. Make sure, heavy applications are not running in minimize mood or in background. It is a good idea to give maximum available processing to your computer.

Moreover, you can read blogs on gaming websites on ‘how to get maximum out of your PC’. It may save your money.

How to Fix Memory Problem in PC

Working on a system, which is not faulty is very motivating for a common user to work for long time. However, it is not possible every time. Sometimes errors occur while user want to copy a file, install any program or perform any action in the system. Runtime errors 7 and 1001 with “out of memory” statement are common. These errors appear when the PC does not meet the programs system requirements.

Another reason might be too much memory is already being used for program to function. When there is problem in Windows registry, it also indicates such errors. For this, you need to fix registry errors with help of a registry optimizer. A good program will clean registry from errors and unused files.

When a system indicates out of memory errors, the system is referring to the conventional memory. However, it may also refer to other sections of memory or the total amount of memory. Moreover, these errors halt software (program) or processes from running.

Causes for the Error:
Memory errors can by caused by conflicts between two or more applications and their memory problems.
Following are the possible causes for the memory error:
1.       PC needs to be Rebooted
2.       In system not enough memory installed
3.       Memory Management Software not installed
4.       Not enough Disk Storage
5.       Software issues
6.       Bad memory

Solution to Fix the Problem:
Follow the steps to fix the problems in PC:

1)      Reboot the Computer:
Many PC issues are resolved in rebooting. Therefore, reboot the system before taking any other step. It may help to terminate the memory errors.
2)      Not Enough Memory Installed:
Before running any program, make it sure that your system fulfills the requirement. You can find the requirement of program on the product box.
3)      Not Enough Disk Storage:
At times, system is left with very low memory after installing the program. Therefore, always try to save a good size space on system to run the program. However, some programs need space after installation when we want to launch it.
4)      Bad Memory:
After following the above steps, if you system still gives errors. Then, you need to check the system memory. If it is faulty or corrupted, then it will not allow certain programs to run. However, it may also crash the entire PC. Add a new memory to system, which can process programs to run.

At time, virus and spywares also affect the memory. Therefore, run a complete scan. A good security program will detect viruses and spywares and clean the PC from viruses and spywares. In addition, prevent in future.

Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

6 Important Security Essential Tips for Your PC

Everyone should know about necessary security essentials for PC to keep you protected against any unpleasant moment. People get online theft and fraud and it must be avoided by getting little knowledge about security features. In this articles some major essentials are ascribe.

Manager programs
Since you have bought PC, you use to install and uninstall many software that cause damages to your computer in various ways. When you install software, it keeps a registry key in windows and upon uninstallation, the key remains there and it get overloaded with such keys. It will create error in your computer. To fix registry errors you must have a registry cleaner. Try Google free registry cleaner. Personally, would recommend Registry Recycler for repairing registry.

Do not Download Crap
If you are unsure about a file or program does not download, it might contain virus or malware that can badly affect your PC performance. It is not deniable that not all free software’s are from trustworthy company.
Some software installs in your computer, access database and shares this data to another network. It is important to install anti-virus software.

Don’t Enter your Personal Info
Never provide your personal information on every other website. Just fill in only those websites where you can trust. For example, don’t click anywhere to login to facebook. The best way is that type address yourself directly in browser. Now type directly www.facebook.com

Trust People, Not Emails
When you are online, many of your best friends and family members are online and you think that they are trustworthy. They often asked you to do things and you actually enjoy. Besides this if some stranger or internet friend ask you to click or do something, you must be aware that it might be risky.

Always have Protection
Computer protection is important and it becomes more important when you are unsure about what is safe on internet. Moreover, you do not have much knowledge on how to protect your PC. In this case, you can install firewalls that enable your computer to protect against threats.

Get Rid of Virus
Internet is full of viruses and its other forms. To be on safe side you must have a good anti-virus softwareinstall on your computer. You must scan your computer in timely manner to avoid PC indulge in different circumstances. There are various free trusted programs available for your help.

These security essentials are important for your computer health. There are lot more updates on internet, you can subscribe to few website to keep yourself updated with latest issues.

Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Common Issues in Windows 7 Immigration

So, you are all set to move to Windows 7. It is easy but there are some quirks that you must aware of before just put your head into a new Window. First, make sure that you have a clean computer. It means that you must scan your computer with anti-virus and fix Windows registry for smooth functionality..

You can migrate from Windows XP
You cannot migrate from Windows XP is a misconception, which is not true. Yes, you cannot use update of Windows 7 in Windows XP. Many users migrate from one place to another because of easier support but you can still do it.
You can use Microsoft deployment Toolkitthat migrate you from Windows XP to Windows 7 in such a painless manner.

If you have skipped Windows Vista
Windows 7 is being considered as a better operating system than previous. But if you have skipped Windows Vista, you will find Windows 7 an entirely new place. Most of the features and interface of Windows 7 look alike Vista. For Windows XP users it is a completely new place while Vista users may find it familiar.

Incompatible Hardware
Many users are concerned about availability of device drivers while updating to Windows 7. They don’t need to worry much because most of the device drivers in Windows 7 are basic as in Windows Vista. Some new drivers may require you to install a driver that you can check on manufacturer website.

Avoid manual labor
You don’t need to run here are there finding Windows DVD’s and its kind of manual labor that is not gonna land you on appropriate place. You must have Microsoft latest deployment tool. Straightforward tool can make your life easier. Windows Automated Installation comes with deployment image servicing and management. This tool will help you manage Windows 7 deployment over the period. It dynamically provision device drivers and deploy virtual hard drive image. Finally, it helps you creating image and automated OS.

Missing application
You will notice that there is lot of missing applications in Windows 7. It includes Windows Mail, Messenger, Address Book, Movie Maker, and Photo Gallery. Microsoft just not put them in Windows 7 because many users don’t use. You can still have it through Microsoft Live Essentials.

There are issues that can bother you big time. You can fix them all in just a chunk of time.

How to Make your PC Secure

Internet world is full viruses and it is difficult for an ordinary user to deal with such issues. However, knowing a little bit about this would make your life easier. By following some simple actions, you can protect your computer.


Install Anti-Virus Program

The very step to protect you against viruses is to have anti-virus program installed on computer. It is highly recommended to keep your anti-virus program up to date. Daily new viruses arise and only software update can prevent you from those viruses. If viruses are infecting your computer it will enter in every portion of computer and will require you to use anti-virus to get rid of viruses.

Note: Anti-viruses alone cannot 100% remove viruses. For that, you must use a safe and free registry software after scanning PC with antivirus. It will remove virus entries from registry and PC will be free from any further threat.

Set Browser Privacy Settings

You must be aware about website that requires your personal information and what they do with that information. It can use as a fraud or identity theft. If you are on any explore you can adjust Privacy Settings or you can even restore to default settings. Visit manufacturer’s website on how to set Privacy Settings for your browser.


A wall that monitors and prevents data travelling between your computer and rest of the world. It alerts you about suspicious activities in your computer. It also tries to control virus, worms, and other harmful programs.

Use Pop-up Blocker
You must have noticed a small Window appear on web browser when you open a particular website and it needs your permission. This trick usually employ by advertisers but some website keeps malicious or unsafe code. Pop up blocker use to block such content entering into your computer without your permission. Usually, internet explorer and other browsers have default pop-up blocker turn on.

Turn on User Account Control

Few changes into your computer need administrative level permissions. User account control only provides access to approve or disapprove. In this way, it will help you to keep your computer secure from viruses that are making unwanted changes in computer. Whenever, a virus will try to change a setting or installation, Windows will ask you.

Beware of Email Attachments

Do not open email attachments unless you are sure that what this attachment is about and where it is coming from. Open email of friends, family, and people who are added in your contacts. Spam emails have very attractive and believable subjects that urge you to open.

Keep Computer Updated

Over the period Microsoft, launch security and other updates necessary for your computer. Make sure that you are receiving those updates and installation.

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Speed Up a PC – Transfer Files to an External Drive

Most people have queries if they shift heavy files/ data to external drive, will they find a speedy system. Yes, it is true. You can transfer various large sized files to external drives to have a speedy system. In addition, you can make a complete backup of your data in external drives.
To speed up your computer and transfer data to external drive, follow the steps mentioned below.

1)      Clean Windows Registry:
First, you need to optimize Windows registry. You must know that registry is the database for all programs. It is affected when programs are not properly installed / uninstalled. Moreover, it becomes corrupted whenever unused keys are left. Therefore, clean Windows registry with the help of free registry cleaner Windows 8 i.e. Registry Recycler. Once it is cleaned, follow the next step.

2)      Install Additional Memory (RAM):
If you have low virtual memory (RAM) in the system, then you need to install additional memory. For example, your operating system requirement is 2 GB; and you have already 2 GB. Still you can install additional memory of 1 or 2 GB. It will boost up your system speed. In addition, lower memory will create various problems while you transfer the files to external drive. Moreover, lower memory may not support large size external drive.

3)      Defrag and Clean Hard Drive:

1.       Make a free space in your system’s hard drive. For this, delete Temporary Files from the Web Browser.
2.       Defrag Hard Drive with the help of Disk Defragmenter/Optimizer
3.       Your system must be cleaned from any threats. Therefore, clean up your system’s Hard Drive and External Drive with the help of Windows free Utility.  
4.       In addition, run a Security Program to clean a system from virus and other malware. A good security program will clean both system and external hard drives. Once they are cleaned follow the next step.

4)      Move Programs:
Now make a backup of your data in the external Hard Drive. However, you can directly copy / transfer the files to it. Try to transfer large files to the external drive. This way, you can make free space in the local drive.

1.       Connect External Hard Drive
2.       External drive is Plug and Play. If not, then install it
3.       Make sure it is Powered On (if it has power button)
4.       Wait unless it is Recognized and Initialized
5.       Copy Files to it.

How to Solve Programs Compatibility Issues in Windows XP

To explore more in the Windows, we often install numerous programs. These programs help us to flourish our comfort level while working on a system. As you know, Windows XP is used extensively in many organizations for user-friendly features; therefore, users want to have latest applications in it. However, problem arises when certain programs have compatibility issues in Windows XP. You may know that these issues are also known as Application Compatibility Issues. If you are among such users who are facing above issue, then you need to optimize Windows XP to solve it effectively. Follow the below mentioned steps.

Program Compatibility Wizard:
With the help of Program Compatibility Wizard, you can examine your programs in various modes. In addition, you can check programs in different settings. If your program is designed for previous version like Windows 98, set the program mode to Windows 8 and run it in Windows XP. It works great for many programs.

Internet – For Fixes and Updates:
At times, outdated version does not make compatibility with operating system. Therefore, install new updates from the internet. You need to navigate to the manufacture website of the program and check whether updates or fixes are available. You can also visit Microsoft official website to find a fix for the program.

Login as Administrator to Install a Program:
Often times, programs are designed to install as administrator. If you are not logged in as administrator, they will show errors. Therefore, first login as administrator, then install the programs. In addition, various programs are designed to use with different Microsoft versions only.

Issues with Compatible Programs:
It is not necessary that issue rise only with such programs that are not compatible. However, compatible programs also have problems in Windows XP. These issues rise if you have upgraded your operating system from previous version to Windows XP. You can solve them by the following procedure.

1.       Uninstall the Program
2.       Delete existing files and folder of the Program manually
3.       Install the complete version of Program
4.       Look for the updates available on the manufacturer’s website

Install The Latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
Install and run the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE). It will help you to solve the issues of that Program, which requires java application.